dessin - sensations
La capacidad de provocar desde la imagen natural la abstraccion es una cualidad, casi me atrevería a decir una característica genética de los alumnos franceses con los que hemos tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en la cátedra
La capacité de produire à partir de la image l´abstraction est un qualité on pourriat peut- être dire une caracteristique genétique des élèves françaises avec lesquels nous avons eu la chance de travailler...

abstracción esencial

el tránsito en gradación desde la imagen representación real a la representación del concepto entendido como origen de la concepción ( lo llamamos concepto-concíbere) es muy claro...
Le trayet en gradation à partir de l´image à la réprésentation du concept -entendu comme début de la concéption (...on l´appele concept concíbere)

Mas claro aún la traducción del mismo en términos de potencial materialidad tectónica.
es encore plus clair vu du point de la materialité tectonique...
Generally speaking, there are several main techniques made
use of by data mining software: clustering, distinction,
regression and association approaches. Some mining firms lost 30
per cent of their share values in the early August stock market meltdown.
Once the timeframe reaches 0 to X minutes, the star is about to
These were referred to as Linotype and Intertype machines.
Some Local News papers/journals/ tabloids/Magazines focus on regional happenings
and target local audiences/ readers. They also tend to endear themselves to populations in times of severe duress and hardship by well funded relief efforts and other charitable initiatives, which make them look incredibly social compared to corrupted governments.
He proudly displays a disdain for homosexuals, especially those that are HIV-positive, by stating that they should be
sequestered away from the rest of Frances moral society.
A Christian newspaperis also associated with various charitable institutions and churches and organizes fund raising events
to help and aid such institutions.
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